We’re young, we’re old, we’re right in the middle. Together we worship, learn, pray, and play.
Our community life is centered around five things: passionate worship, radical hospitality, lifelong faith formation, extravagant generosity, and bold service.
We are always working out how to be a people—both individually and together—who follow Jesus in the world. We don’t do this perfectly. In fact, as Lutherans, we say that’s not the point. The point is the grace and mercy of God. These are gifts for you and for the whole world. We’ll tell you that when you’re here.
We sing together. Sometimes with piano, sometimes with praise band. Sometimes with crying babies. Always together.
We value participation over perfection. We’re honest about the bright and broken bits of life and faith.
Drop on by. When you do, come just as you are. We’ll do the same.